Made With Lots of Love
Welcome to my world! It's filled with love, laughter, and just enough insanity to keep things interesting.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The things we learn in school...
Chloe shared a little something she learned from a friend in school. It happened to be in the middle of dinner out, but when is it ever a bad time to share a new skill?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Today is Grandma's 70th Birthday!!

We're baking her a cake...shhhhh it's a surprise! Chloe had a duel role in the process: Baker and Taster/Bowl Cleaner. These are both very important jobs. Caty came in at the last minute to lend a hand (or mouth!). We bought Grandma a new BBQ grill and are planning on grilling hamburgers and celebrating the day.
My mom is my lifesaver. She lives in our backyard and comes and helps me in the daycare everyday. I don't know what I would do without her. She makes it possible for me to have a Family Home daycare and to also be the mother that my kids need. I love you, Mom, and appreciate you so much! Happy Birthday!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Uncle Tony
It's Memorial Day and I'm enjoying the day with my family. And I'm missing the family that is no longer with us. My brother-in-law, Tony Johnson, was killed in Iraq on April 9, 2004. He went to Iraq as a contractor because he wanted to help and make a difference. We miss him very much. I love you, Tony.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A Day In the Park...

We had big plans for a day at Irvine Park in Orange. I told the kids all about this fabulous park and about the many Sundays I'd spent there when I was their age. We packed our picnic lunch and the car and set out for the OC. Well, as many great plans go, this one was just not meant to be. When we got to the park entrance the parking lot was closed. The side streets were lined with cars, the sidewalks filled with people and the police were diverting the steady flow of cars filled with disappointed included.
It was on to Plan B. The only problem was that each family member had a different idea of what Plan B should be. Damond and Caty wanted to head to the beach and Chloe thought we should just drive through the crowd and go to the park anyway. We ended up going to a small community park down the street. This park didn't have a train running through it or a lake or paddle boats, but it was perfect. It was filled with families, just like ours, enjoying the beautiful day and each other. Damond and the girls played catch, although there wasn't much "catching" going on, and I took pictures and laughed! It was a great day.
I, Robin, promise to keep up my family blog...
Life is moving so fast and I have so much to share. I can't do it all in one post, but I promise myself that I will update my blog regularly...with lots of pictures!
My girls are growning up before my eyes. Caitlyn is finishing elementary school is three weeks. How did seven years fly by so fast? And Chloe is getting ready to start second grade. I'm afraid if I blink I'll miss something important. I want to appreciate each day. And I want to make many more special memories to capture and share.
My girls are growning up before my eyes. Caitlyn is finishing elementary school is three weeks. How did seven years fly by so fast? And Chloe is getting ready to start second grade. I'm afraid if I blink I'll miss something important. I want to appreciate each day. And I want to make many more special memories to capture and share.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
I'm back!!
Oh my goodness, time just gets away from you and the next thing you know it's been months since your blog has been updated.
The family is doing well. We're getting ready for another minor surgery on Wednesday. Chloe is getting new tubes in her ears. We need to have it done at Children's Hospital because of her OSA, but, other than that, it should be quick and easy. She is showing a moderate hearing loss and we need for those ears to be in perfect working order for kindergarten in the fall.
I will be back soon for a real good family update!
The family is doing well. We're getting ready for another minor surgery on Wednesday. Chloe is getting new tubes in her ears. We need to have it done at Children's Hospital because of her OSA, but, other than that, it should be quick and easy. She is showing a moderate hearing loss and we need for those ears to be in perfect working order for kindergarten in the fall.
I will be back soon for a real good family update!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
A Little Girl and Her Pumpkin

Chloe's preschool created a pumpkin patch at the school. Chloe and her friend, Aubree, were able to pick out their very own pumpkins and bring them home. Chloe was so excited about having a pumpkin and carried it around all evening. When it came time for bed, Chloe said she was very tired and INSISTED that her pumpkin was very tired and needed to go to bed with her. So, you can see that my little pumpkin and her pumpkin fell fast asleep!
She Loves Those Messy Bones!

Chloe has developed a passion for "messy bones". One of her favorite things to do is go out to an "eat house" and now it's an eat house for messy bones. Translation for those you that don't speak Chloe-ese: Restaurant for Ribs. It's funny, friends and family are now referring to restaurants as "eat houses" and ribs as "messy bones".